Episode Two: Beer

Our second episode will be filmed tomorrow at 8:00 at RVTV. Join us in the studio or tune in at 11:00 at roguetv.org or on channel 9 locally.

If your on facebook, RSVP to the event!

beer submissions

Anyone who wants to submit anything for the beer show should do so by Wednesday, the 2nd. It doesn't necessarily have to be video, it can be animation, a series of drawings or photos with a voice over, or even just plain ol photos.

This is beer we're talking about, shouldnt be too hard to think of something. :p

Our meetings are officially every Wednesday at 7:30 at RVTV! Come and be involved!

Video Game Show Clips

Introduction and Bomberman from The VP Club on Vimeo.

Miles Inada on Video Games from The VP Club on Vimeo.

Super Smash Bros. and Fragstone from The VP Club on Vimeo.

Lesbian Pirates from The VP Club on Vimeo.

SOU on Video Games from The VP Club on Vimeo.

GoldenEye 007 from The VP Club on Vimeo.

Super Mario Bros. Wii from The VP Club on Vimeo.

Closing from The VP Club on Vimeo.

J. Smilez Show first episode

Hey everyone, the first episode of the J. Smilez Show is online for your viewing pleasure. If you want to help out please comment on this post and I will let you know when we are filming and you can come by and lend a hand.

We will be periodically taking submissions for content, whether it be graphic art or time based - animation, film, etc.
If you have an idea for a skit or a little presentation you would like to do, but dont have the resources to film it, we can help! just contact one of us via this blog, facebook, or souvp@yahoo.com